We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.

Upper West Side Dental Upper West Side Dental
Click here to read about the safety measures we’ve implemented during COVID-19. | Opening Hours : M.T.W.TH.F.SUN 10am – 10pm By Appointment Only
Upper West Side Dental Upper West Side Dental
We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.
“I was thrilled to be given an opportunity to expose the students to the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the work field. I met a lot of smart and inquisitive students, I hope I inspired them to pursue their dreams.”
KIPP NYC is a network of free, open-enrollment public charter schools that prepare students for success in college and in life. I was thrilled to be invited to speak to the students attending KIPP NYC College Prep in the Bronx, NY. As a former teacher and the child of a mother who is now a retired teacher, I understand the importance of having mentors guide you through the ups and downs of high school and college.
Having programs such as KIPP College Prep is a great opportunity for students to have full access to the tools necessary for success. I was able to meet with other speakers who were equally as passionate about education and mentoring as I am. I spoke to a small group of students that were eager to hear my story and I was equally excited to tell them how I became a dentist and a teacher. I was asked about my reasons for becoming a dentist, how many years I was in school, if I still enjoy dentistry and how I plan to give back to my community.
I was very impressed by the attentiveness and inquisitiveness of my group. One student asked me if I ever wanted to give up while I was in dental school and I said yes! Dental school was the toughest 4 years of my life but I explained my determination and love of helping others did not stop me from achieving my goals. I remember telling them this “Yes, college can be tough but your college years will be the best years of your life. You might feel you want to give up but you have to remember that something worth having doesn’t come easy. You have to communicate and connect with people.”
It felt great to be given the opportunity to expose the students to the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the work field. I met a lot of smart and inquisitive students; I hope I inspired them to pursue their dreams. To learn more about KIPP NYC, please visit www.kippnyc.org
I spent a lot of my younger years shadowing my father at his dental practice, so welcoming him to my practice for the first time was a very special moment that iʼll never forget. Iʼm proud to carry the legacy of dental excellence and hope to inspire future generations of dentists.
When I moved to New York my dream was open a dental practice in Manhattan. As an associate I was told by my former employer my dream would not become a reality because it would “Just be too hard.” At the time, I spoke to my father who is now a retired dentist about my plans of opening a practice. He too, experienced adversity when he opened his private practice. He encouraged me to push on and not listen to anyone who was not supportive. After being an associate for a few years I felt it was time to branch out on my own and service my community the best way I could. The one thing I wanted the most was for my parents to see what all their hard work and sacrifices throughout my life resulted in.
With the guidance and vision of my amazing Business Manager/ Co-founder Ana S., I was able to open my first practice in the Upper West Side. Before Upper West Side Dental officially opened, my parents visited New York. It was a dream come true to see my mother and father step foot into my practice for the first time. It brought happy tears to my father’s eyes once I gave him the tour and explained what the philosophy of my office is. The first patients at Upper West Side Dental were my parents. I spent a lot of my younger years shadowing my father at his dental practice, so having him as a patient at my practice was a very special moment I’ll never forget. I’m proud to carry the legacy of dental excellence and hope to inspire future generations of dentists.
My goal as a dentist is to not only treat and diagnose teeth in a comfortable and welcoming environment, but to also educate and reach out to my community. Giving back feels great but also means a lot to people who need the services. On Sep. 15th, 2014 I was invited to participate in the Bloomingdale Family Days Fair which is held annually by the Columbus Amsterdam BID. (www.)
I was able to set up a booth next to other medical practices in the neighborhood so it was nice to converse with other medical professionals. At my booth I offered free oral cancer screenings. Oral cancer screenings are especially important if you are a smoker. I stepped away from the booth a few times to give some of the children Xylitol lollipops. Xylitol is a natural occurring sugar alcohol, which doesn’t promote tooth decay. The best part is that parents can’t even tell the difference between a lollipop made of sugar and one of Xylitol. I even had parents come up to me and say “Are you SURE these don’t have sugar in them?” Xylitol is what I recommend to parents who tell me their child has a sweet tooth but want to make sure they don’t develop cavities.
It was such a beautiful day to have a street fair; the weather was perfect and the live band was excellent. I really enjoyed educating the community about oral health and the importance of regular dental check ups. Make sure to visit Columbusamserdambid.com for events happening from 96th-100th Street!
We are proud to say that on May 6th, 2012 Upper West Side Dental was a proud dental sponsors at the MS54 Booker T. Washington Walkathon. As you may know, MS54 is located one block away from our office, so to be a sponsor at this event was very fulfilling.
Dr. Shirley was happy to see some of the students he spoke to at MS54’s career day a few weeks before the Walkathon. Once the families finished their walk, they were greeted with snacks, drinks, and wonderful entertainment provided by the students and community.
Dr. Shirley was eager to supply the happy families with tooth brushes and floss upon their arrival. Once everyone was settled, the students showcased their talents by playing live music. One of the most exciting activities of the afternoon was the dunk machine…and yes, a few members of the faculty were dunked!
In total, MS54’s Walkathon raised over 10,000 in scholarships for their after- school programs. Dr. Shirley was very happy to support the walkathon, and looks forward to doing the same for next year’s event.
I hope this message finds you well. Since the start of COVID-19, I decided to keep my office open to treat emergency patients. I am happy to announce that my office is open treat all patients for all services. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety.
Infection control has always been a top priority for our practice and you may have seen this during your visits to our office. Our infection control processes are made so that when you receive care, it’s both safe and comfortable.
Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We follow the activities of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued.
You may see some changes when it is time for your next appointment. We made these changes to help protect our patients and staff. For example:
Our office will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening questions. You’ll be asked those same questions again the day of your appointment. We will send you a check-up form that we kindly ask be completed the day you receive it. As an extra precaution we are only permitting patients in our office who have appointments and have completed a check-up form.
We have hand sanitizer in each room of our office, including the reception area for you to use as needed. We will take your temperature and ask you to wash your hands once you arrive. We have HEPA filter air purifiers with UV-C sanitation ability throughout our office, and use a new suctioning tool during procedures that reduces the spread of aerosols. Lastly, we use UV light to eliminate germs in each of our rooms after a procedure is completed.
You may see that our waiting room will no longer offer magazines, children’s toys and so forth, since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect.
Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. That might mean that you’re offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.
We will do our best to allow greater time between patients to reduce waiting times for you, as well as to reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.
My office manager and I made a video at the start of COVID-19 that explains our new check in protocols, please view the video below. We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice.
If you are a returning patient reading this, I thank you for being our patient and if you are a new patient, welcome. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming back our patients, neighbors and friends.
Dr. Shirley